Takin.solutions is a company that offers ICT solutions for Cultural Heritage, from consultation to full implementation, depending on the needs of its clients. The goal of Takin.solutions is to offer quality, integrated digital solutions in the field of cultural heritage, whether it be for memory institutions, archaeological projects, or within the context of interdisciplinary initiatives. Takin is particularly specialized in the creation and management of:
semantic data modelling and mapping
database management
cultural heritage documentation
It focuses on digital documentation throughout the data management life cycle from data acquisition through curation, transformation, presentation, and visualization on the mission of both the research and preservation of cultural heritage.

Takin.solutions is a consultation and services company for the implementation of information management solutions in the cultural heritage sector. A partnership between George Bruseker and Denitsa Nenova, the company builds on the years of hands-on, international experience of its founders in the field of information management in cultural heritage.
​We are a flexible, dynamically developing company offering a broad range of services for data acquisition, management, analysis and presentation. Our passion is to work with customers to develop integrated solutions that look at how the parts of a particular problem fit to the whole of an overall data management strategy. We are interested in the goals of our customers both for the short term, but also the long term. We work together with you to figure out your overall needs and how they can most effectively and economically be achieved. In all these domains we offer consultancy, implementation and/or training according to your requirements.

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer
George Bruseker is a researcher in digital humanities focussing on conceptual modelling and the use of semantic data in research. He is a co-founder and CEO of Takin.solutions Ltd. George has a PhD in philosophy from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and over 15 years of experience in managing ICT projects in the cultural heritage field. He has worked respectively for the British School at Athens, Qatar Museums and the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) where he most recently held the position of coordinator of the Centre for Cultural Informatics. He has held a Marie Curie Experienced Researcher post at ICS-FORTH (2015) and was a fellow of the Digital Society Initiative and the Swiss Art Research Institute (2019). His research interests lie in conceptual modelling, semantic data workflow, data provenance questions, and the democratization of knowledge.
Semantic Architect
Matthew Fielding holds a PhD in philosophy and has an extensive background in semantic data modelling and formal ontology, including several years in foundational work undertaken at the Institute for Formal Ontology and Medical Information Sciences as researcher and scientific advisor. Within the field of Cultural Heritage, Matthew has worked extensively with archival collections and digital holdings, reflecting his theoretical interest in the status of 'information objects' such as texts, images, sound, etc., and their relationship to the real-world entities they depict and discuss. His work in semantic architectures lays heavy emphasis on frameworks that support future interoperability.

Denitsa Nenova is a professional archaeologist and a co-founder and CEO of Takin.solutions Ltd. Her academic background is in archaeology, database solutions for Cultural Heritage (CH), and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), with a proven record of more than 20 years of experience in the field. Denitsa has a PhD in Archaeology from University College London and two Master degrees in relevant fields. Her main expertise is in the fields of digital archaeological documentation, semantic reference data models and their archaeological application, landscape archaeology, aerial photography and airborne-scanning technology, photogrammetry, Mediterranean and Balkan Bronze Age and Iron Age archaeology, and archaeological ceramics. Denitsa works on several international projects and has been involved as a postdoctoral researcher in two Horizon 2020 initiatives. She is currently a Digital Archaeology and Field Director at a neolithic excavations in Greece.

Data Processing Specialist
Veselina Kalkandzhieva has been a Data Processing Specialist at Takin Solutions LTD since November 2022. She has a background in managing information flow, data processing, data formatting, assisting in data modelling and data mapping as well as reporting and analysis. She graduated from Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom, in 2013, earning her degree in Science In Animal Behaviour and Welfare, and certificates for File Management and e-document production, web design, and database manipulation. Prior to joining our team she a manager of a big cleaning company in the United Kingdom from 2014 until 2021.
Rocío Jiménez is a researcher in the field of History and Digital Humanities. Her academic background is in History, specialising in Archaeology and Forensic Anthropology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), web and application development and design. She has a Master's degree in Geomatics and Geoinformation Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia as well as in Teacher Training. She is currently a PhD Candidate at the University of Teramo working on the enslavement of the pre-Hispanic Canarian people during the conquest of the Canary Islands.

Knowledge in cultural heritage stands on the basis of correct data acquisition, accurately capturing and recording facts regarding the past with the appropriate techniques for the object of study and documenting this capture itself. Takin.solutions offers consultancy in choosing appropriate methods for primary data capture, services in implementing these methods and support in implementing international metadata standards describing primary data.
In the digital era, the production of quality cultural heritage data is only made sustainable and viable under an overall data management plan and strategy. The organization of information for the present and the future is not only an important responsibility of researchers and professionals but increasingly an institutional and academic necessity. Increasingly, funding is tied to the articulation of data management plans requiring a complete projection of the data life cycle of a project’s work. Moreover, the creation and maintenance of data according to international standards not only offers to the academic community as a whole but enables researchers to benefit from data integration today in order to link to major reference datasets in order to expand their resources for carrying out their analysis and research. Takin.solutions has expertise in all areas of data management and in particular in managing semantic data contributing to the Linked Open Data web movement.
The ability to amass and manage large amounts of cultural heritage data is something that researchers and institutions can start leveraging when they are able to apply advanced data analysis techniques to the data in question. In cultural heritage many of the questions related to datasets pertain to spatial and statistical questions regarding the data. Carrying out this analysis requires knowledge of both the basic tools such as GIS but also the correct statistical techniques. Data analysis also requires the ability to read, shape and leverage data from different sources and in different formats. Takin.solutions brings together the skills necessary to perform these tasks as part of your overall data lifecycle.

Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
Conceptual Modelling

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Semantic Data Management Consulting, Semantic Data Implementation Training

Advance Services
Conceptual Modelling

Farallon Geographics
Conceptual Modelling, Semantic Data Management Consulting
Canadian Heritage Information Network
Conceptual Modelling, Semantic Data Management Consulting

Canadian Institute in Greece
Data Management and Web Integration
University of Groningen
Conceptual Modelling, Semantic Data Management Consulting

Humboldt Innovation Humboldt University of Berlin
Conceptual Modelling, Data Mapping, Semantic Data Project Project Management

Biblotheca Hertziana Max Planck Institute for Art History
Conceptual Modelling, Data Mapping, Semantic Data Project Project Management

ETH Zurich
Conceptual Modelling

Parks Canada
Conceptual Modelling, Semantic Data Management Consulting

Pharos Project
Conceptual Modelling

Philadelphia Museums of Art
Conceptual Modelling, Data Mapping, Semantic Data Project Project Management

The German Institute of History in Rome
Conceptual Modelling, Semantic Data Management Consulting

University Of Zurich
Conceptual Modelling
Conceptual Modelling, Semantic Data Management Consulting
The Swedish Institute at Athens and Rome
Conceptual Modelling, Data Mapping, Semantic Data Project Project Management
Frick Collection
Conceptual Modelling

Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
Conceptual Modelling

Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Conceptual Modelling

If you're interested developing career in semantics, please contact us via email or using the form below